Getting to know parquet floors: advantages & disadvantages
Getting to know parquet floors: advantages & disadvantages Plus Minus Parquet Floor - Have a problem choosing the floor material for your house? Want to use parquet floors but are unsure about their compatibility with home design and comfort? It is undeniable that parquet material is one of the most popular materials for finishing floors. However, what exactly is parquet flooring? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of using parquet as a floor finishing material? Know What Is Parquet Floor Material Parquet flooring or parquet flooring is a floor finishing material in the form of processed wood chips (usually by pressing) so that they become slabs / pieces that can be arranged with a lock system (interlocking) on the floor as floor finishing. Parquet Floor Advantages Attractive and Beautiful Display One of the reasons why parquet floors are often the favorite choice is because of its attractive appearance. The natural wood nuance of parquet floors is able to compete w...